Monthly Archives: October 2015


The last article I posted was the part one of the topics above and this is the continuation. The last force we looked at was the force of divine direction of which we shall start from in order to refresh your memories. God bless you as you keep reading.

Force of Divine Direction (Genesis 12: 1 – 9; Psalm 32:8): God still speaks in this end time and I assure you that if you give Him your ears He will definitely speak to you as long as you don’t get too busy for Him. “For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod” (Isaiah 30:31). Many are frustrated in life because they lack the presence of divine direction. Direction prevents destruction, it brings distinction. It is the secret of acceleration. We can see how powerful the voice of God is in Psalm 29:4

  • The voice of God is full of majesty
  • The voice of God is powerful
  • The voice of God is the presence of God

It is impossible to reach your destiny until you hear God on a consistent basis.


Force of Potential Release (Proverbs 18:16): Your potentials is your key to your possibilities. It opens up your opportunities and imparts your authority. It is not possible to bury your potential and realize your destiny. Your God-given gift is the key to your lifting.

Force of a Released Past (Philippians 3:13): It is indeed a sad thing that so many people cannot walk out of their past. The moment you meet them you hear them complain of what they went through and that is why they are not moving forward. It is not possible to live in the past and have an accommodation with the future. I refuse your future to be buried in the past in the name of Jesus. There can be no fruitfulness where there has been no forgetfulness. Joseph had to name his two children Manasseh meaning causing to forget and Ephraim meaning fruitful (Genesis 41:51 -52).

Force of Scriptural Revelation (Deuteronomy 29:29): What you see out of the word determines what you see out of life. Discovery determines delivery, deliverance, and distinction. Until light comes you can’t shine; it is the light that sponsors shining. What sets you apart from the rest is not your title but the light which is from God. Revelation determines possession. Revelation is the food of faith and faith is the key to victory on earth. Your level of faith is determined by your level of light.

Force of the Seed: The seed is the key to the future and the seed is the cure for adversity. It is also the trigger for the change of season. A closed fist is a closed future. Until your hands are opened towards God your destiny can never be opened by God. A closed heaven is a closed destiny.


Only a fool would go through life unprepared for what we all know will eventually happen. You need to think more about eternity not less.

The church possesses the greatest Book ever written on stewardship, wealth, and finance – The Bible.

If your members in the church are giving sacrificially and trying to make ends meet. What type of message would assist them? A message of empowerment.

If the church (the Body of Christ) would seek, build, establish and expand the Kingdom of God, they will cause our prosperity and influence to expand.

When the risk of change and moving into the unknown outweighs the dissatisfaction and disgust of the present, then change has its best chance of happening.

May our eyes be opened to the principles, concepts, and strategies hidden within the Bible for creating and managing wealth.

Sometimes doing right costs you comfort and pleasure


The above Scripture shows how dangerous it is to be having affair outside your marriage. The Bible did not miss words on how dangerous it is for a married man to be going out sleeping with a woman that is not his wife.

Verses 3 – 6 says, For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.”

No matter how young or old a person is, few men survive the road of immorality leaving deep wounds and pain in their lives and family. The road leads to death spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially and marriage wise. In the Book of Judges 16, Samson decided to play with the fire of immorality and he got burnt. We must stay away from immoral women even when they entice us. I always pity young men and cry for the elderly men who go about boasting about their escapades. Sometimes the devil may have seen how far and how well a man will do in life, he will send women into such a person’s life to cut short his life because women are one of his (devil’s) major tools. These men spend a lot of money, neglect their families, have children outside their matrimonial home they will not be proud to speak of. They also bring complicated matters that their families will suffer after they must have departed this world. And all these generate trouble for the poor wife and children (Proverbs 5: 9 – 17)

For example, a man who goes on a trip and each state or country he visits he sleeps with a woman and within his life time he knew that some of these women had children for him and some may have but will not see him due to no contact. What do you think will happen when the man finally dies and leave properties to his children that are known to his wife and leave the others out of the will? Well, you will say they have to go and carter for themselves, but may I remind you that you have already brought disaster to your legitimate children in the sense that the one or two out of those children will start plotting evil for the later to either take them to court or kill them. The seriousness of this issue is always undermined and on the part of the man, he will say well I can handle the situation when the time comes. Remember nobody knows what will happen tomorrow, just as you make your bed that is the way you or your children will lie on it. May the Lord have mercy on our lives in Jesus name….Amen!!

Are you presently having an affair and this has opened doors for the devil to scatter your marriage? It is time for you to cry out unto God. I would love you to say this prayer with me: Lord Jesus, I confess my sins to You. I brought all this trouble upon myself. Please have mercy upon me, forgive me of my sins…. (name those sins). Give me another chance Father to amend my life and marriage, I promise by the help of the Holy Spirit to be a new man who will love his wife and provide for my family. Help me, Lord, not to go back or be found in the places I used to be. Thank You, Father, for this opportunity in Jesus name I pray…Amen!!

I pray that by the mercy of God, He will shine His mercies upon you and for you to be saved and your marriage restored in Jesus name…Amen!!

Please as you have made this decision also turn your back completely on such sins and the likeness of it. Remember that hell is real and heaven is real. God has given us choices just as He gave Adam and Eve, to either choose life or death (Genesis 2:16; Deuteronomy 30:19). Now fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully. Far be it from you that after God’s salvation in your life and marriage you go back again to those ways of life. God created you to succeed in your marriage and enjoy the fruit of your labour with the wife of your youth (Proverbs 5: 18 – 18) that is why the Bible is there for your soul enrichment, in this way the Lord will guide your footsteps daily.



I pray for you today that every suffering you and your family are going through because of your disobedience or mistake which is causing the enemy to have an upper hand in your life, the Lord Almighty shall look down on you in His mercy, forgive and turn things around for your good in the name of Jesus……Amen!!


One lesson from God’s dealings with Pharaoh and the Egyptians is the consequences of disobedience of man. Sin has wide spread consequence. God told Pharaoh to release the children of Israel whom he had enslaved for 430 years but he refused. When the judgment on his defiance came, it affected all of Egypt – men, beast, vegetation; even the sun shining upon the land was affected. One man sinned but a whole nation suffered for it. That was in a nation that did not know God. What about a godly nation? In 2 Samuel 24: 1-17, after David regained his throne and was established, he forgot he got there by God’s power and so requested a census of his people. Joab saw this as an act of self-will and reliance on the arm of flesh and warned him against that exercise. If I may ask, what action are you about to take that is contrary to God’s word of which may open doors for the enemy to your family? The king paid deaf ears to Joab’s plea knowing it was against God’s will and went on to take the census. The following morning the Lord sent Prophet Gad to ask him to choose one of the three judgments. Thereafter, David realized his sin and asked for forgiveness. But do you know that at least 70,000 people died of pestilence, and more were to follow if not that God showed mercy? Many innocent Israelites died, even though the culprit King David was spared. This is what I call “COLLATERAL DAMAGE.” When the head of a family sins, his family can be brought under judgment. When a pastor sins, the whole congregation can be judged. When a president sins, the whole nation can suffer for it. When a leader sins, his cover over the flock is weakened or compromised.

Permit me to say this; when God speaks to you to do something of which nobody will be there to hear and you refuse, when you start suffering the consequences the world will see what you are suffering. Guess what you will not have the boldness to tell anybody what actually happened of which it was because of your disobedience. For example, in the Book of Daniel 4:28–36, God warned king Nebuchadnezzar of his pride, using a dream to communicate to him and Daniel to do the interpretation of the dream yet he refused to yield to the warning. God withdrew wisdom from king Nebuchadnezzar. Immediately the king became an animal. You know the rest of the story: how he roamed the bush like an animal, eating grass for seven years before God restored him back to the throne. Samson’s tragic life was also written for us to be aware that God who gave can still take away in a day. All that the person has will go, and calamity will befall the family or the people working under him. Samson was living in sin until he broke his covenant. When it was announced that his enemies were upon him, Samson rose in bravado, thinking God’s power was intact. He shook his body but felt light and ordinary. He did not know that the owner of the power has withdrawn it. He paid dearly for it and so did the people of Israel.

Beloved, God is no respecter of man (Acts 10:34). John 2:23-25 says because of Christ’s knowledge of what is in the hearts of men, He found it difficult committing Himself to them. Besides the fact that man lives in an evil and wicked world manipulated by Satan and his hosts, it further reveals our need for God. From experience, Jesus knew that Satan can go to any length to pull down a leader that has been appointed by God. When there is a vacancy in the top echelon of the church, know it is time to pray. If you do not pray or pray enough, the wrong person may occupy that position and God’s purpose will be aborted. For your information, in the kingdom of darkness, there is a price tag on the heads of church leaders, and this is why prayers need to be made on their behalf every day. Leadership is a serious issue. Some leaders who started with good intentions ended where they never expected. If a leader fails, it is most likely that those who are under him will end up in the same pit. One reason for the failure of leaders today is because of little or no prayer for them. Our leaders both those in the church and in the circular world are not spirits but flesh and blood, subject to the same conditions as other mortals. Rather than criticize these men and women lets pray for them. Your prayer for them can make a positive impact in their lives. Praying for them will make you as a better citizen/follower not be a victim of collateral damage.

God keep you and your family as you keep praying for our leaders.


ref: Open Heavens vol 11 by Pastor E. A Adeboye


Beloved, there are many promises in the Bible. All of these promises are real and can be enjoyed by you and I. Our God is powerful and rich, stories in the Bible we read, and tell others of when encouraging them during their time of challenges or sorrow works just as the Lord saved, protected and guided the Israelites during their wilderness journey; the same thing He will and is still doing today. God never change, and the words of His promises never change nor fail. The only time His promises does not come to fulfilment is when the person, family or nation starts sinning against God thinking they can outsmart God (Jeremiah 18: 1 – 12).  After considering the works God has done in the past and the one He is still doing in the present we realise that all of His promises are received by faith which rests on God’s power, love and faithfulness. The present error of today Christians is that not many of us expect God to do somethings for us, we sort of choose the things we tell God and say, “well I think I can handle this,” and before you know it, matters get complicated and when you’ve exhausted with all the ideas and ways and as well time wasting, you now go back to God. Can I say something here, why not ask the Holy Spirit what to do or how to handle the situation? This is also called faith (John 14:26; Psalm 32:8). Most of us are influenced by the unbelieving friends, government economy, change in the environment around us, considering that miracles were possible and only occurred during Biblical times: the only way we think like this is because of lack of faith. God’s power is real and still available to everyone who would access it, just like in the days of the old.

What does the Bible say about faith? The Oxford dictionary defines faith as complete trust or confidence in someone or something or strong belief in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

The Bible definition of faith is confidence on what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrew 11: 1 & 2). It is also an open cheque written and signed by God. The signature bears Jesus’ name and our names written on it, given to us to make purchases of what we need.


The Bible said, For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17).

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Faith is like an anchor, it establishes a person. Faith is real. Faith is a conviction of things not seen. This is the life of Jesus when He said in John 8:29, “The one who sent me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do what pleases Him.” The source of our faith is God and He has given us faith as one of the spiritual blessings (Ephesians 2:8). We should have faith in God because He possesses a nature that makes it easy for us to trust Him thereby making our faith increase. Most times we do not commit ourselves and our situations to God under the pretext that God is unreliable. Believing in God means committing ourselves and situations to Him and trusting in Him to accomplish the work for us.

Let me use banking system as an example: Any bank you can think of is owned by a person or group of people. You walk into a bank and deposit your money. This is an act of faith that you are not going to lose your money (either by you being robbed or losing it should you have it with you) and you can withdraw it when you want. Despite some of us losing money to these banks out of misappropriation of “OUR” funds or in any other way, we still go back again to put our hard earned money into these banks. Think of this if a bank built by a group of persons can one day say they are no longer functioning despite our faith and trust in them, why can’t we put our faith in God and trust Him enough to provide and guide us through all situations no matter how difficult it may seem. I thank God you are now seeing what am seeing. Well let’s continue reading.

God’s credentials speaks for itself, only God is trustworthy. Many talk about faith a lot, we also confess that we believe but the most important question is how true is our confession? What I mean is that we confess faith in Christ without following divine direction. Faith is something you put into practice or it is an action. How do we put in practice our faith: By having faith in God both in our difficult times, challenges, when we are being persecuted, rejected, abused, failed as a parent or spouse knowing that our faith in Him can turn things around for us and also during our abundant times (when things are going on well) for this is when we need God more because the tendency is high that we might forget our God (Deuteronomy 8: 11- 14). A wealthy Christian brother once called me aside many years ago and said when a man is poor he may be praying once or twice but when God blesses the same man he should pray twice or three times as much as he used to pray when he doesn’t have money. I asked why, and he said, because every force from the enemy will try to pull you down because they know you can fund the work of God and bring others to Christ as you give them a helping hand.”

Note:              OUR WORK PROVES OUR FAITH


This is what the Book of James is talking about.  Now if we commit a matter to the Lord and believe God will work for us, our positive attitude towards the matter will surely bring a great change. But if your heart is restless, worried, afraid, feeling lost, struggling with all effort to scheme a plan, or to manoeuvre then, it shows we have not yet believed (Hebrews 4:3). One thing we should know is that faith rests in God not in the present situation nor in ourselves or any other person except God Himself. It is not a matter of how we feel or the pressure of the situation or what people will say or think but on what God have already said concerning the situation this is why the Bible said that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4). You and I must behave as if what He said has already been accomplished this is the difference between a matured Christian and a baby Christian.


Force of Divine Plan and Vision (Acts 9: 3 – 16; Habakkuk 2: 2 – 3): It does not matter how fast a person runs in the wrong direction, he/she can never arrive at the right destination. God decides but, a man discovers divine purpose. It does not matter how colourful our plans are, they can never be as wonderful as God’s plan for our lives. The greatest question is ‘’Lord what will you have me to do?’’ (Acts 9:6). When you get what God wants you to do it becomes your vision which gives you acceleration.
 What you picture determines what you capture.
 What you picture determines what you venture.
 What you picture determines where you feature.
 What occupies your mind determines where you occupy in life.
 What you visualize determines what you realize.
 What flows through your imagination consistently determines what will emerge out of your life.
 A blank mind is an empty life.
Force of Divine Presence (Genesis 39: 2, 21 – 23): The more time you spend with God the more you become like Him, and the more of your destiny you will fulfill. People see/sense God’s presence when they come in contact with you. The presence of God is the fragrance of favour it is the trigger for potential. God’s presence is the key to open door and the secret of power.
Force of Divine Direction (Genesis 12: 1 – 9; Psalm 32:8): God still speaks in this end time and I assure you that if you give Him your ears He shall definitely speak to you when you don’t get too busy for Him. “For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod” (Isaiah 30:31). Many are frustrated in life because they lack the presence of divine direction. Direction prevents destruction, it brings distinction. It is the secret of acceleration. We can see how powerful the voice of God is in Psalm 29:4
 The voice of God is full of majesty
 The voice of God is powerful
 The voice of God is the presence of God
It is impossible to reach your destiny until you hear God on a consistent basis.


Message by Dr. Paul Enenche.

Edited by Pastor Chuka



Are you are pastor or a leader in any form of organisation, beloved I want you to know that God has called you to excel against all odds. Lets look at the life of one of the great figures in the Old Testament, Moses. The situation surrounding him when his mother gave birth to him was a death sentence from Pharaoh to kill all male children. To some of you out there, it may be that your biological father told your mother to abort you when you were still in the womb, to some it may be that your mother had you when she was 15yrs old and she abandoned you at the doorstep of your foster parents or you may have gone through one abuse or the other as a child just like Jephthah in the Book of Judges 11 whose mother was a prostitute. I want you to know that God has a plan for you, that is why you are still alive today. You are not an accident in this world neither shall the Lord allow you to fail as long as you don’t give up on God for He won’t give up on you. Before you continue please sing this song with me that Deitrick Haddon sang:

God is able to do just what He said He would do

He’s gonna fulfil every promise to you

Don’t give up on God cause He won’t give up on you

He’s able (2x)

Moses was found by Pharaoh’s daughter who instead of killing him kept him alive.  God gave Miriam the wisdom and courage to tell and convince Pharaoh’s daughter to bring a nanny to take care of the baby boy (Moses). Pharaoh’s daughter agreed and Miriam called her mother who was also the mother of Moses (Jochebed). Jochebed (Moses mother) was paid for taking care of her son (Exodus 2: 7 – 9).  This was a time when the people of Israel were being persecuted, when you can’t find job not to talk of getting one in the palace but when you look at the whole scenario for sure you will see the hand of the Lord was moving, guiding and guarding the entire family just because of Moses’ destiny.

That family you are raised up from be it your foster parent’s home, biological parent’s home or an orphanage home; I want you to know that God kept you there for a reason so that others may be alive, saved and delivered inspite of what you went through there. God decided to keep you, protect and shield you from dangers, accidents and all sorts of bad things of which when you go down memory lane you wonder how you survived all those times. All was because God was interested in you and is still interested. You may have made some mistakes that you now regret like me whenever I remember that I would’ve gone to the university when my mates were going, get a degree and read my way to being a Professor in a particular discipline. But one thing I thank the Lord for is that He uses our mistakes or the works of the enemy and turn it into blessings and miracles. Moses mother Jochebed, risked her life keeping the baby and even risked the baby’s life by putting it in a basket and then in the river because the river would have carried it to somewhere else and should any of the guards found the boy they would have killed him or the baby boy would’ve died of hunger. Miriam the boy’s sister could have entered into trouble for coming out boldly to request to bring a nanny. You could see in spite of all the challenges, God saw you through even when you felt that you can’t survive the next day yet He still made provisions, and showed forth His faithfulness. When you remember your younger days, the foolish things you did some for fun some out of ignorance or out of mistakes still God guided and guarded you through every stage of your life. Like Moses most of you have this sense of helping people in one way or the other but you always fall into trouble because nobody is there to guide you and you are left alone to figure it out yourself. Some are in this forming stage and I would by the help of the Holy Spirit try and help you share a personal experience in one of my write-up in the future. Feel free to email me if you want to share an experience. Remain blessed.