Monthly Archives: November 2016


Nothing moved him anymore. Though he ran one of the top skateboard teams in the world and had enjoyed lots of money, drugs, sex, and had dove headlong into every pleasure he chose, Ryan Ries felt empty. One night he nearly died from a cocaine overdose. The next morning Ryan found a Gideon Bible in his hotel room and began reading it. In time, God’s grace seeped into Ryan’s broken, convicted heart and he placed his faith in Jesus. Today, he and his wife work with others to host events that are reaching people with God’s good news—helping them find real life while also breaking free from addictions and unhealthy lifestyles. This is what the grace of God does.

I too was a sinner like Ryan before I came to Christ, though I never liked clubbing, womanizing, drinking alcohol and smoking; I had my share of worldliness, and was saved from two accidents that would have ended my life. I was on the verge of crashing into the world of No-hope when I had my encounter with Jesus and today I am blessed. If it wasn’t for God’s love……………..where would I be; If it wasn’t for His grace………how would I have gotten where I am today?

Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners like me and Ryan who could not lift a finger to save themselves. Grace means God sending His only Son to go on the cross so that we guilty ones might be reconciled to God and received into heaven. Paul wrote that God “saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done,” but because of His mercy and grace (Titus 3:5). And today, by His Spirit, He motivates us to do good things so others can be moved to find real life in Him. Apostle Paul knew what grace means, he was once an opposition to believers but he met grace on his way to Damascus. Today, Christians all over the world cannot preach the gospel without mentioning Apostle Paul, whose writings is 2/3 in the New Testament. No man takes this honour upon himself if not saved by grace. Beloved, you can receive grace from the supply that is constantly flowing toward you. Do you need healing today? Do you need wisdom? Peace for a troubled heart? You can receive it right now if you can see His supply all around you, giving you what you need. It doesn’t matter the circumstances surrounding you, you don’t have to wait for the “right” time, place or external circumstances when it comes to asking and receiving from God. Simply look away from the demand, see His supply and receive by grace what you need.

I remember years ago before I came to know Jesus, I usually found myself thinking a lot. I don’t sleep early because I would wake up at 1am and think till 4am before I sleep again. Are you having the same issue? Beloved I allowed fear of not making it in life overwhelm my life that I chose to not make positive steps in life. But all that is in the past now. The same God that granted me the grace to overcome will do it for you. His promise in Psalm 37:23 says, The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Don’t focus on the hopelessness of your situation. Instead, see the oversupply of grace and expect God to give to you best beyond your wildest imaginings!

