These days my heart beats because of the path of life our youths are towing. I guess you saw the video that was in circulation of a young boy of about 16 years who was stripped naked and molested by his fellow youths and the aftermath of the young boy. It is so sad how the enemy targets those whose destinies are great. Satan drives them to join gangs, cults and dangerous groups that look good from the outside but evil on the inside. The aim of these gangs and cults is to show superiority and to colonize certain areas. Why are these youths going down the road of destruction – because they lack morals and most times we parents don’t start on time to teach them the word of God, and also we don’t show them an example by the way we live which is the primary way children learn faster. The Psalmist’s experiences are of great use for our direction, caution, and encouragement.
Psalm 1 made it clear to us all especially to our own youths the kind of group you hang around, how they function and their end. The Lord desires to see our youths walk in the counsel of the godly. The character of a good man is here given by the rules he chooses to walk by and to take his measures from. This part of his character is put first because those that will keep the commandments of their God must say to evil-doers, Depart from us (Ps. 119:115), and departing from evil is that in which wisdom begins. How can a youth stay pure? How can a youth keep his way pure? By keeping watch on himself according to God’s word harmonizing his (youth’s) life to the Lord’s precepts (Psalm 119:9).
Social media has become the second learning institute where the youths learn all sorts, the good the bad and the ugly. The thing about social media is that it has given many voices while taking away their ears. Everyone now talks as authorities in so many fields yet nobody listens….. those who listen do not hear.
Sinners must bear all the blame of their own destruction. Therefore the ungodly perish because the very way in which they have chosen and resolved to walk leads directly to destruction; it naturally tends towards ruin and therefore must necessarily end in it. It happened that some of our youths shared their experience.
Youth 1: My name is Leo (not his real name). I thank God for saving me. I used to live two lives. A quiet one at home but a totally different one at school. I was a bad boy and have friends that my dad will not be proud of. It came to a point that my parents found out about my life outside the home and they were shocked. It didn’t go down well with me because my parents started restricting me from going out after school. The end of it is that I got into trouble and would have lost my life if not for the intervention by the prayers of my parents and pastor. My advice to youths is to stop living two lives and be obedient to your parents. My advice to our parents is that you must know that what your child is going through so you can be of help to him or her.
Youth 2: My name is Bee (not her real name). I want to encourage the youths to be the person they are and not try to be someone else or copy what other youths are doing because that is the way it starts. Some of us want to be friends with a popular guy or girl in school so as to feel they belong and before you know it they would be asked to do something you never thought of, and just for you to stay in their circle you go out of your way to please them and displease your parents. Be yourself, be content with what you have and remain humble.
Youth 3: My name is Bob (not his real name). I usually hang around bad boys and I always fall into trouble. This kept going on and I asked myself why I should always be a culprit even when am not there, my name would be called. Well, I decided to give myself advice and came to conclusion never to follow them again. I also decided to get closer to God, and since that time I have been focused.
I thank God for the lives of these youths. I pray that you follow the ways of the righteous so that you will be fruitful in life. There is a way that seems right in the eyes of a man but the end of it is destruction. Remember the testimony of these young ones and be sure to stay away from those who will mock and want to sin with you and reduce you to a mere puppet. Staying on the right path brings fulfillment, growth, and success. May the Lord shield you from the wrong crowd in Jesus name……Amen!!!
Rev David & Deborah Adonai