A person who has never met true authority finds it hard to submit to lower authorities except that of God. Getting counsel from fellow men (Pastors or brethren) is hard for him because he believes that his parents or his pastor or his fellow brethren or even colleague has nothing to contribute to his life except what he hears from God. Such a person loves to hear himself rather than listen to what others have to say. When your thoughts are not disciplined, you will find it hard to submit to the authority whom He has placed before you whether at home, in your place of work or in the church. Therefore, guard your thoughts so that it doesn’t escape from your mouth and do some damage you would later regret. A person whose stronghold of reasons has been broken by God’s authority will have his thoughts captured by God; he can submit to Christ and be free from expressing opinions. To discern whether or not a brother has met authority, we first need to find out whether he has rebellious words (Numbers 16: 1 8 11); second, we need to find out whether or not he reasons to question God’s command (1 Samuel 15:24). Such a person believes only he and God knows everything. You hear God no doubt about that, and knows what He wants you to do. You also know what is likely to happen in your home, social gathering, prayer meetings, where to read during test/exams, and how to do your assignment in a simplified way…..I can go on and on. Now rather than humble himself, he feels he is now more spiritual than his pastor or leader. He forgets that all authority both in the church, and government comes from God (Romans 13:1). Note: God sometimes allow leaders with evil intentions to lead not because it pleases God but He uses such leaders to punish the people and bring disaster in the land, and for Him to save His people (Exodus 1: 8 – 14).
Such a person may be gifted but lacks knowledge of God’s word. He may study to preach to people, to show how much God’s word he can quote but hardly meditates on God’s word that would bring out his true nature. God in this way (by meditation on His word) prunes all his children. If the person consistently follows God’s instruction, his character and attitude grows and becomes like that of Christ (Philippians 2:5). Beloved in as much as God has called you His child, and have shown you how great you will be, He is interested in the process of formation that leads to that greatness. Take Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Numbers 16, for example, these are highly placed men not just in the society but also in the church, for there were the Levites (Deacon or Deaconess or assistant pastor) who were supposed to be helping the priests (Senior Pastor of the church). What did they do, they opposed Moses, believing that they should’ve reached the Promised Land yet they seem to be nowhere near it. They rejected the leadership of Moses and refused to hear from him any more (Numbers 16: 12 – 14). You can imagine, even though Moses was still on the right track with God, these men had the effrontery challenge his leadership. Lord have mercy! Sometimes this can come in another way to you as a member of a church or in a department. It may happen that your leader made a mistake by making a wrong decision. God may have spoken to you concerning the situation, and you warned your leader but he went ahead to do the opposite. God would watch to see how your reaction, and what your attitude would be. Will you be like Ham who went ahead to expose his father’s naked or will you come like Shem and Japheth with your back and cover the shame of your father? I believe you aware of the aftermath (Genesis 9: 20 – 24).
This is why we who are under authority should always be praying for our leaders: Prime ministers, Presidents kings, queens, members of all sector in the government sector and most especially all the members of the Force (the army, police, navy, etc). You may find yourself there one day and the same cup you used to measure for others, that same cup shall be used for you. God’s throne is established upon authority, this was why Satan when he chose to ascend himself above God (rebellion), had to be thrown down from heaven (Isaiah 14:12 – 15). You now see why rebellion is dealt with the moment God sees it in man. You may be angry that your leader is not doing what he is supposed to do which is not God’s fault, but when you make decisions as to dethrone your leader even if you are successful in doing it you can never go scot-free. Bear in mind that the authority you are cursing out was put there by a higher one and it goes on and on till you get to the top – God! Only then can we see the authority of God. If we truly want to serve God we will never come to the point of violating any kind God established authority. May the Lord help us to understand the great consequence in disobeying authority in Jesus name…..Amen!!!