Trial is part of the education given in the school of Christ to purify God’s children from the dross of earthliness. Christ Himself entered this school of affliction as an example to us who must follow His way and do His will (Hebrews 5:8). God has always tried His people in the furnace that the dross (chaff in us) is separated from the true gold of Christian character. Our afflictions are in God’s hand, they are intended for the trial and improvement of our graces. Jesus watches the test; He knows what is needed to purify the precious metal that it may reflect the radiance of His love (Malachi 3:3). He sees that some of us who are gifted in many areas which will be used in the advancement of His work, and He allows us to go through trials; in His power, He brings us into positions that test our character and reveal defects and weaknesses that have been hidden from our own knowledge. He gives us the opportunity to correct these defects and to fit ourselves for His service. The Lord shows us our weakness and teaches us to lean upon Him; for He is our only help and safe-guards.
You may be educated, trained, and disciplined, prepared to fulfill the grand purpose for which God’s power has been given to you, but if patience is lacking in your life the possibility of you “totally” fulfilling that purpose is very slim even though you may eventually make it to heaven. So while the trials of today may be hard and painful, in the long run, they will prove to be a blessing to you if you patiently bear them. Trials are the greatest blessings God can bestow upon us, His children. Suffering (that comes not from our deliberate mistakes or disobedience) is a gift of grace bestowed upon those who chose to serve the Lord faithfully. So many people I believe misunderstand God in the sense that when their prayers are not answered immediately or come in the way they don’t expect or are betrayed by those in authority they look up to. God in His great love is seeking to develop in us the precious graces of His Spirit. He “permits” us to encounter obstacles, persecution, and hardship not as a curse but as the greatest blessings of our lives. You have to bear in mind that every temptation resisted, every trial bravely borne, gives you a new experience, strengthens your spiritual muscles, and advances you in the work of character building.
As stated by Matthew Henry Commentary, Let us take care, in times of trial, that patience and not our emotions, be set at work in us; whatever is said to you or done to you, let your patience have the final say of your reaction rather than your emotions. Do not allow pressure, or what people will say or think, cause your emotions to hinder the effective work of patience being built by God; for when your patience is tried, your emotions are bound to well-up. Let us give it leave to work, and it will work wonders in a time of trouble. We must let patience have its perfect work. If one affliction comes upon the heels of another, and a train of them are drawn upon us, yet let patience go on till its work is perfected. When we bear all the burden that God appoints, and with a humble obedient eye to Him, then patience hath its perfect work.
In conclusion, the cultivation of godly virtues forms an integral part of our training. Patience must have its perfect work or we cannot be perfect and entire, and wanting nothing. Trials are an indication that God sees value in us, just as a refiner sees something precious in an unrefined ore (Malachi 3:3; Job 23:10; Isaiah 48:10, 17 & 18). God allows His Chosen ones to be placed in the furnace of affliction to prove what temper they are of whether they can be fashioned for His work. Trials most times are an indication of God’s leading in our lives.
Philosophy may instruct men to be calm under their troubles, but Christianity teaches them to be joyful because such exercises proceed from love and not fury in God. In them, we are conformable to Christ our head, and they become marks of our adoption. By suffering in the ways of righteousness, we are serving the interests of our Lord’s kingdom among men, and edifying the body of Christ; and our trials will brighten our graces now and our crown at last. Therefore there is a reason to count it all joy when trials and difficulties become our lot in the way of our duty.