Life looks easy when you are under a covering. I would say it’s good because when you are under a covering let’s say under a multinational corporation that pays well and takes care of all medical, insurance, and travel expenses, etc. If care is not taken you begin to take it for granted. The feeling – “I can do it better on my own” starts if I you move to start a branch of your own without proper knowledge of the company’s blueprint on how to build, manage and grow their business as well as your clients.
1) Placing Demand on Things You are not Prepared For:- It is an error for a man to have millions when he can’t manage thousands. The prodigal son was verbally ready but not mentally prepared. We live in a world were majority love the public image. Evil is being promoted as something good and acceptable while the media sells it daily and make it look good and true. Many will follow these evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers and the way media propagates it, the way of truth will be slandered (2 Peter 2:2). Before you make request ask yourself if you are capable to handle such a position or thing placed in your care.
2) That which You are Prepared for You Don’t Struggle for:- Sometimes we long and pray for things, and it seems it’s not coming forth. Check and see if you are really prepared for it or you are seeking for such a thing just to impress others (James 4: 1 – 4). As Christians, we must not be the want conscious Christians rather the God-driven. No matter how much you love your child you will not give him or her your car keys to drive the car until he or she comes of age and “knows” how to drive (Galatians 4:1).
3) To Live Life Without a Guide:- A Christian who believes he knows it all and doesn’t need the help of man or the teachings of men that God sends his way is bound to be limited and may end up in self-destruct (Proverbs 19:27). We all need a covering and most especially the covering of God. As Christians we should obey our parents and spiritual parents because we belong to the Lord, for this is the right and honourable thing to do. If we honour them, “things will go well for us, and we will enjoy long and fruitful life (Proverbs 27:8).
4) There’s no Completion without God:- No matter what we have or have been entrusted in our care, be sure you can lose it. I want to correct a notion that as Christians you can’t lose anything given to you…..this is a lie. We are still in the world and not in heaven, so we should be aware that as long as we are here you may lose our businesses due spiritual attacks or to natural disaster or the mistakes of others (Job 1: 13 – 19). If we trust in our abilities, instead of God’s, we produce consequences for which God will hold us accountable every time we refuse to submit, and He sees our refusal as willful disobedience. Our natural life must not rule— God must rule in us.
As children of God, let us keep our eyes on Jesus, stay on course, and not allow the good things of this life make us stray away from the right path.
Prayer: May the Lord grant us the grace not to depart from the truth and never to stray away from the covering God has placed upon us for His glory in Jesus name…Amen!!
Excerpts: AJS Message