Monthly Archives: February 2021

Wisdom For Divine Direction (Pro 4:7).

Wisdom is knowing what to do and doing it at the right time to obtain the right results. It is also the correct application of knowledge. The proof of wisdom is results. It is a practical application of God’s word in life (Matthew 7:24).  Wisdom is to be desired more than anything in life. Wisdom will give you good things and help you succeed in life (Proverbs 3: 13 – 18; Ecclesiastes 10: 10). Divine direction is following God’s path to get to a specific direction. Divine direction makes life worth living. Being led by God to get to your desired place. Life can be joyful and worth living when divine direction is applied. To get to heaven you also need divine direction from God. When you reject divine direction and leave the way you want you fail the way you don’t expect. Life is too precious to live by guess work, struggles and stress. In Psalm 32:8, God will instruct us in the way we should go so as to prosper and for it go well with us. If you allow God to direct you, you’ll enjoy the best of life (Isaiah 48:17).

Why Do we need to Seek Divine Direction?

1) It’s our birth right to be led by God in all direction of life. It’s an exclusive privilege for every child of God to enjoy divine direction (Romans 8:14; John 10: 3,4 & 27).  

2) We are not created to direct ourselves in life because we lack the capacity to direct ourselves (Jeremiah 10:23). God knows the end from the beginning. 

3) God is perfect in knowledge and Infinite in Understanding (Psalm 147:5). We are humans and we are limited in our understanding. No matter how skillful you may be in your area of discipline you don’t know everything. The global pandemic has proven to the world that man is limited. God knows and sees what we can not see and He knows the problem that will emerge in the next 10yrs. He knows how to give solutions. So allowing Him to give us the idea for business, we shall profit more than ever. It is better and safer to seek for God’s divine direction (Job 36:4). God knows all things..Ominpresent, Ominscience, Ominpotent.  

4) To Operate Safely on Earth because the world is full of wickedness (Psalm 74:20; 1 John 5:19). A woman was under a building and a voice said to her move away from this building and she moved and right after that the building collapsed.  We escape the wickedness in the world as we obey divine direction. 

5) In order to live right, profitable and well free from trap of destruction. In life it is not every open door is genuine, some are traps in disguise. Some persons have travelled as doctors to other nations to become cleaners. Never go to where God does not send you. It is only those He leads that ends us as leaders.  

6) For God to go ahead and clear all Obstacles (Isaiah 45:2). When God leads He goes before you. 

Beloved to enjoy divine direction you must be born again (John 1:12; John 10:27). God must be your shepherd before you as the sheep can hear His voice. The moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. You must recognise the Holy Spirit as your Guide and develop intimacy with Him (John 16:13; Proverbs 3: 5 – 6). You must be ready to go where He sends you (Psalm 25:9). God knows us all and knows what is best for us all. You must reverence God (Psalm 25:12). Ther fear of God is hatred of evil and reverence of His word. God Word is a lamp to our feet and a light unto our paths. Stay tuned to God’s word (Joshua 1:8), and ask the Holy Spirit the grace to yield every day to His leading and be sure to live peacefully and finishing your work here well.

Excerpts from Pst David Ibiyeomie’s message