Have you ever wondered why King Saul was rejected and King David was accepted?
King Saul who was then the King of Israel was given specific instructions in First Samuel 13: 8 – 14 to wait for Samuel to come and offer the burnt offerings which out of fear he felt he needs to do it, after all, is he not capable of offering the burnt offerings and God is the God of all flesh. Be careful not to overstep your boundaries. And in First Samuel 15: 1 – 23 to go and annihilate the whole of the Amalekites nation by the Lord. But Saul decided to act the way he see fit-out of sentiments. Be careful the way you carry out God’s instructions – your lack of plan, order, or direction on what you have been told to do leads to serious consequences. The same army whom he (Saul) trusted in later abandoned him after being rejected by God years later (Second Chronicles 12). I want to say this that family or friend of yours or position that you are trusting because of your love for them will jump ship the moment the consequences of your disobedience begins to spill out. The only thing in your mind of which you may never say at that time but later is, “Had I known I would have done what I was told by the Spirit of God”.
I pray that we repent of these so-called little sins and disobedience that frustrates and hinders our growth there by causing us to keep questioning God in areas we know that He has already answered us in Jesus name….Amen!!!!