At the beginning of each New Year, experts give their predictions about the economy, politics, weather, and a host of other topics. Will there be war or peace? Poverty or prosperity? Progress or stagnation? Only one Person is completely reliable, and He had strong words for some so-called experts. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day claimed to have the truth. These scholars and theologians thought they knew what the promised Messiah would be like when He arrived. Jesus cautioned them, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life.” Then He pointed out how they were missing the heart of the matter. “These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life” (John 5:39–40). People everywhere are hoping that this year will be better than last, but no one knows what will happen. Don’t be alarmed. Our confidence remains in the One at the very heart of the Scriptures – Jesus! He has a firm grip on us and on our future, and there is a better way to start off a new year, a new month and a new day – which is to concentrate on conveying gratitude to our Lord rather than focusing your attention on the negative based on what the media will say. That’s why we should make time for God and rest in His love—the love that made you and me. It is the reason for our existence and the means by which we will make the most of our lives. Even though we are in this world, we operate using the principles of God. When you count your blessings of last year and see how far God has brought you even when it seems challenges would overwhelm you but God saw you through in all (2 Samuel 21: 15 – 17).
Start your year with thanks to the Lord, and a timeout with God (retreat), presenting your goals, ask Him for ideas, and plans for that year to see if it fits in the plan of God for your life (that’s the big picture we all need to be looking at). He will give the blueprint for the year and directions to follow. This has been my yearly practice and you can be sure to face the world and what it throws at you. I must confess that in the past I have not faithfully followed His directions the way I should because I have allowed distractions and procrastination hinder me. I have learned my lessons in a hard way and would not like to see others make this grave mistakes. Bear in mind that God will not tell you everything that will happen throughout that year but will give you the necessary tools for your move forward in the particular direction He wants you to go. This will surely lead you to success in that area of your vocation. There’s nothing like having to know where you are going and what to do in this present time irrespective of how bad the economy is in the state or country. As a child of God, be sensitive to His direction in that way that leads to success. Know when to stop, move, accelerate more and slow down. It’s like someone driving a car to a particular destination. When you follow the signs you are sure to make it on time and safely. Many believe that as the year has started they need to accomplish all the goals they set for themselves before the year runs out (do or die affair). My dear remember you don’t need to mortgage your life or that of your family even though some do so and regret it later.
Education, wealth, power, marriage, and pleasure are good things, but they’re not the best (please don’t misunderstand me). The best is loving God and taking in His love—bringing Him glory by our walk with Him in that particular calling in our lives, and making Him our friend for life. That leads to the best possible life because it gives us satisfaction and joy after we must have gotten to our goals for the year and many years ahead (John 10:10). I like the way the psalmist put it: “It is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works” (Ps. 73:28). In other words, the good life is drawing close to the One who loves us like no other. The light of Christ shines more brightly through us who know and love Him. Just don’t think of today alone, think gene-rationally and eternally. Jesus is our joy and hope—today, tomorrow, and forever! Knowing the future is uncertain; knowing the One who holds the future is a sure thing.
Prayer: Father, let me know the heart of the matter and may I not get carried away by the situation report of the country as I continue to walk toward my purpose in Jesus name…..Amen!!!
Excerpts from 01/14; 01/15; 04/18