Trials are part of life and they are also part of the education given in the school of Christ to purify God’s children from the dross of earthiness. Christ Himself entered this school of affliction (trial) as an example to us who must follow His way and do His will (Hebrews 5:8). God has always tried His people in the furnace of affliction (trials). It is in the heat of the furnace that the dross is separated from the true gold of the Christian character (Malachi 3:3). The interesting thing about the trials we Christian go through is that Jesus watches the whole process; He knows what is needed to purify us that we may reflect the radiance of His love. It is by close testing trials that God disciplines His children. In His providence, God brings us into positions that test our character, and reveal defects and weaknesses that have been hidden from our own knowledge. God then gives us the opportunity to correct these defects and to fit ourselves for His service. He shows us our own weakness, and teaches us to lean on Him for He is our only help and safeguard (Psalm 37: 39 – 40).

Trials are the greatest blessings God has bestowed on His children. It is a gift bestowed upon those who choose to serve God faithfully. God permits us to encounter obstacles, persecution, and hardships not as a curse but as to develop in us the precious graces in His Spirit. Every temptation resisted, every trial bravely borne, gives us a new experience and advances in the work of character building, and also reveals to the world and to the heavenly, the universe of the grace of Christ. The cultivation of the virtue – patience, forms an integral part of our training success. For with the trials, defects in our character can be corrected. Patience must have its perfect work or we cannot be perfect and completely developed in our faith, not deficient in any way (James 1:4). Trials are an indication that God sees value in us just as a refiner sees something precious in an unrefined metal (Job 23:10; Isaiah 48:10). Next time you see yourself facing any trial, the question should be….. “Lord show me what you want me to learn that I may do so to enable me to be fit you’re your own use.” You will be asking what if the trials comes frequently what would be the response. Pray this prayer:

O Lord as I go through this trial I ask that You help me overcome and any other trial that is coming my way as a burden from the devil avert it in Jesus name…..Amen!!!

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