Bliss in Marriage

Marriage is purely spiritual (Ephesians 5: 31 – 32). God alone can keep it running. Inviting God to be the head helps to make your marriage work well. He will guide both couples as they honour Him thereby making the marriage beautiful.

Love in marriage (Genesis 24:67) is like the shock absorber in a car. Love helps the marriage sail through the storms of life. When you love your spouse you are proud of the person irrespective of the social status and beauty or no beauty. Both couples protect each other when love is in the marriage.

To make a marriage work, effective communication (Colossians 4:6)between a couple is needed. This helps in bringing understanding between couples knowing what both like or don’t like. Communication also helps both spouses to learn to compromise without a fight and to disagree to agree in love.

Love Making (sex) (1 Corinthians 7:5) is the lubricant that keeps a marriage going. It spices the marriage. When it dies there will be a crack. This brings about the end of the marriage unless it’s rekindled.

Money is meant to bring comfort and ease to marriage (Hebrews 13:5). Be content with you have, agree, and build together and in all commit everything in God’s hands. Any woman or man who goes into marriage with the intention of saving money for himself or herself in the case of any eventuality has already broken the marriage before entering it.

Obedience and believing in the totality of God’s Word will keep any marriage from crashing or sinking. Try and avoid the third party in the marriage as much as possible and report all your challenges to God in prayer. When a spouse is angry or hurts, the best place to go is to channel all grievances to God. You’ll be amazed at how fast you will heal as long as you follow the direction of the Holy Spirit without a doubt. Remember in marriage prayer without obedience is like faith without works.

When couples disagree and refuse to come to terms to resolve their differences or better still come to a compromise, at this point is where couples bring the marriage to an end and go their separate ways by divorce. God never wants any of us to divorce.

An adage says that you cannot start learning how to use your left hand in old age when you are right-handed. Begin early in applying Kingdom principle in your marriage if not you may live to regret actions taken no matter how irrelevant the decision may look. But the only way both couples can make their marriage work is to go back to God who knows how to restore His people and is able to restore the marriage as long as both couples agree. Our Father in heaven surely knows how to turn our mess to miracles.

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