Made A Sacrifice For Christ

How far are you willing to go for Christ even when the odds are against you? (1 Corinthians 4: 10 – 13). Responsibility means the state or fact of being accountable for one’s actions. It is also the ability to make moral and rational decisions. Asking to be used by God, be blessed, and to be a blessing to your generation is a serious business and for such a role to be given to you, you must show total dependence on God. Anything else won’t go. If you check the Scriptures you will see that only a few men make it to the top. These men and women defied all odds and by the confession of their mouths and also by putting their lives on the line as long as they are in accordance with God’s will, they overcame. To be used by God is not just a walk in the park. Many pray this prayer (to be used by God) including me but I must warn you that this is no child’s play. Handling spiritual matters can be the easiest thing if you choose to obey God’s instructions without being sentimental, yet the most dangerous thing ever (Hebrews 4:12). Until you see that being a true leader is to be the servant of all then will it be handed to you by God. The same with blessings, until you can see yourself being made as a sacrifice for others by what is given to you, such things you are asking will be put on hold waiting until you can be broken and be made as a sacrifice, then God “may” decide to bring it into manifestation. Don’t think that all leaders are leaders. Some are tyrants and dictators and should not be seen as leaders. Leaders are servants (Matthew 20:26). 
In our walk with God, we should ask God for the willingness to submit our will to His will no matter how impossible we may think the task is. Jesus told Philip in John 6:5, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” God in Genesis 22:2 said to Abraham, “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go & sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” Both messages are similar and are pointing to salvation. When the disciple found a boy with his lunch and the boy was willing to give his lunch for the sake of others. Jesus broke the bread and the fish and gave to His disciples to share and after, 12 baskets were gathered. The same way Abraham was willing to give up his only son as a sacrifice to God. The Lord made provision and today we are called children of Abraham. Both sacrifices point to the work done on the Cross (Luke 23). When Jesus died and was buried, He rose back to life and today millions are born new in the Spirit (1 Peter 1: 2 – 4). 
We are made as sacrifices when we go through trials and diverse tribulations. Because of  Christ we look like fools, we are weak, ridiculed, sometimes we go hungry and thirsty and don’t have enough clothes to keep warm yet we bless those who curse us and patient with those who abuse us. We appeal gently when evil things are said about us. Yet we are treated like the world’s garbage, like everybody’s trash—right up to the present moment. But be sure to know that all your suffering and being foolish for Christ does not go unnoticed by the Lord for in due time He shall bless and reward us in full. 

May we remain faithful till the end and never lose our taste as we are the salt of the world and the light of the world. Today we are living epistles that men read and come to Jesus (2 Corinthians 3: 2 – 4).

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