There are diverse kinds of assumptions. Some people assume to be students until it comes to the time of exams or paying their school fees. Some think they are ready for marriage until they get married they now know they are not ready. Some pray for a better job until they are into such a position then the job will teach them to be humble because they are not prepared. There’s one assumption that cannot be rectified, and that is when you assume you are heading to heaven until you see yourself in hell. And there’s no need for Christ as long as you do good you will go to heaven until you find yourself in hell – that cannot be rectified. Some Christians who started with God are no longer walking with God (1 Corinthians10:12).
In Luke 2: 42 – 47 we see how Jesus’ parents assumed that He was with relations during their trip back home. Nothing changed until they reached home…lo and behold He was nowhere to be found. Many have lost good relationships that would’ve lifted them but because of what they think of the person(s) which may not be true have refused to accept them into their lives (Luke 10:16). God most times gives us long room to repent but most of us keep taking God’s mercies for granted until His patience runs out. Beloved let us not become nonchalant about life, careless in the way we live, take things for granted, become distracted by the material things of this world. Don’t allow fame or riches make you arrogant, unrepentant, unteachable, and foolish in your decision making most especially when it comes to eternal view. We should be mindful of what we do and how we do things in these end times so that we don’t cry had I known (Luke 16: 19 – 31).
O Lord help us to value your presence, take your Word as the standard guide for living, and refuse to play with sin in any form. May we honour You O Lord and consistently walk with You all the rest of our days here on earth in Jesus name…..Amen!!!