This is a question every child of God should ask him or herself (long as you claim to be a Christian). Now being a Christian doesn’t mean going to church only – No! Are you truly born again (John 3:3) have you had an encounter with Jesus? (Acts 9: 1 – 31) Can you truly say, I am on the Lord’s side? (Exodus 32:26). We need to allow God’s searchlight (Word) to search our hearts and find out what God thinks of us. This is not a matter of what the world thinks of us such like the newspapers, books, and gossip columns, etc. do you know that the world may praise us while God condemns us, or they may condemn us where He God praises us. Remember that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks inward (1 Samuel 16:7). We shall someday stand face to face with God, we shall be unveiled and the innermost secrets our hearts laid bare. The cloak that hid us from man will not hide us from God. Will it not be better, we give thought to what God thinks about us now?

  • What does He think of My Work? Does God find me genuine and sincere, free from all deception, and a stranger to hypocrisy? Am I honest? Are my motives right? Am I loyal to God? Do I work from my heart? Is my work counting for God? Am I able to lead others into a life of power and victory? Can I win souls to Christ and how often? Is my work counting for God?
  • What does God think of my Social Relationship? Have I obeyed His summons, “Come out from amongst them, and be ye separate,” and “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers”? Is there any pleasure that is driving Christ from my heart and shutting out His presence? Is my conscience at rest, or does it trouble me when I do certain things and go to certain places? Am I willing to give up all for Jesus and to choose Him before the world? Do I want to please Him or am I going to argue the question with Him? Do I waste time that rightly belongs to Him?
  • What does God think of my Devotional Life? Do I spend enough time with Him in private or am I in a haste to leave for the business of the day? Is communion with Him sweet to me? Am I a student of God’s Word? Do I study it in private or is it all done in public? Does He unfold its secrets and make it real to me? Do I claim His promises as I obey His Word and make it mine? Is my life saturated with prayer? Do I pray and get answers? Have I learned how to pray according to His will?
  • What does God think of my Christian Progress? Am I making spiritual progress? Am I a growing Christian? Am I a better Christian this year than last? Is Jesus more real to me? Can my friends see any difference in me? Are the old weaknesses and failings of the flesh disappearing, and is the fruit of the Spirit increasing in your life? Am I making progress against sin and most especially my besetting sin? Do I want to be delivered from it? Is there still some cherished idol shutting out God’s peace and power, His presence, sunshine and love?

We often testify that Jesus is faithful. But suppose we turn it around and ask, “How faithful am I to Jesus? For all that is important is our Lord’s estimate of us. Has He been disappointed or are we pleasing in His sight? Beloved all these are personal questions that you need to answer for yourself. Today everyone looks alike. It’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish the True Christians from the fake ones. Converted ones and convicted ones all appear in the same crowd. But the moment of truth is here and those who are not true will not agree with the truth. When you answer the above questions then you will surely see where you stand as a Christian. How satisfied is the Lord with your life and walk with Him and work for Him?


Culled from: The Man God Uses by Oswald J. Smith (chpt 4)


In Romans 3:9–23, Paul describes how we are all sinners. Because of our sins we deserve God’s wrath (Romans 1:18). But God showed us how much He loved us by giving His Son to be the “sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood” (Romans 3:25). We are all “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (v. 24). Even though we still sin, by falling in to sin and not by living in sin as a lifestyle, we are justified, reconciled, and sanctified. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us, we can live holy lives.

For centuries the Jewish people had sought to come into God’s presence through animal sacrifices and by seeking to keep the law as seen in the Old Testament. But the law was “only a shadow of the good things that are coming,” for “it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (Hebrews 10: 1 – 4). Christ’s sacrifice was what God desired and what our sin required. The crown of thorns that Jesus was made to wear was part of a cruel game the Roman soldiers played before Jesus was crucified. They also dressed Him in a royal robe and gave Him a staff as a king’s scepter, which they then used to beat Him. They mocked Him, calling Him “king of the Jews” (Matthew 27:29), not realizing that their actions would be remembered thousands of years later. This was no ordinary king. He was the King of Kings whose death, followed by His resurrection, gives us eternal life. Because of His sacrifice, we can be made holy when we trust in Him for the forgiveness of our sins. Even though we aren’t able to keep the law perfectly, we can draw near to God without fear, fully confident that we are welcomed and loved (Hebrews 10: 10, 22).

The horrific scene described above shows how this fallen world and the powers of darkness held nothing but contempt for Jesus, the Son of God and Saviour of the world. Yet Christ chose to suffer to redeem us: “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Christ’s way of sorrow opened for us a new and living way to God. In our Christian journey, it is Christ all the way and no other person. It is either you trust Him to uphold you, and you never allow the material things of this life, and the love for this evil world hinder your relationship with you and Him. Beloved, don’t go back living the way you use to because what you are now doing is trampling the grace of God and making the death of our Lord Jesus a mockery. Live right, trust God, and saturate your life with the Rhema of God’s word which will enable you to see things the way God does and then live victoriously. What a joy to know that God erased our sins and has given us freedom and life forever in Him!

Prayer: Jesus, thank You for walking the way of sorrow and making a way for us to be reconciled to God in Jesus name…Amen!!!


Excerpts from Our Daily Bread March 30th, 31st and 1st 2018


When you walk with Jesus you are bound to succeed. God created man for the enjoyment of a walking relationship that involved companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and shared dominion. God longs to walk with you, which is why His arms of grace have been pulling you into a closer walk with Him. We are going to look into the way Jesus wants us to manage the ministry and businesses given to us the way He desires you to in order that you may be truly successful and finish well. I stopped in step 3 in the last write up. Let us look at the remaining four steps.

Step 4…… MANAGING YOUR RESOURCES: Resources comes in diverse forms: time, gifts/talents, money, workers (members), etc. I will write on these four. Jesus managed all the resources that the Father gave Him.

*Jesus taught His disciples the essence of time management and their gifts (Matthew 25: 14 – 29; Romans 12: 3 – 8). Time is one of the most precious thing God has given to man. Each second lost can never be redeemed. A Nigerian singer sang a song that says,

 time na money ooo (time is money)

         time na money (time is money)

           do better thing (do go thing meaning find a job and do a legal job)

           no waka waka (don’t be fooling around)

           money no dey come from (money doesn’t fall from heaven)

           do better thing money go come (be useful and money will come).

 That is why we need to engage ourselves in fruitful works. As a pastor praying for faithful workers is one thing, but it’s a herculean task for them to be in the area of their calling that will harness their gifting so they can be fruitful.

*Jesus also managed all the disciples given to Him by God. He also carried everybody along such like in the case of Mary and Martha (Luke 10: 38 – 42); in case of James and John’s request for a specific position (Mark 10: 35 – 45). As a pastor you should not tolerate gossip, this is a killer! I bet you no matter how anointed and gifted you are, and you condone gossip among members, definitely, it will eat up the whole congregation like cancer. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others and move on.

*Jesus also managed the little food that was increased to feed the five thousand (Mark 6: 35 – 44). It is so sad to see that many have messed up their credit cards, and no longer have enough money as income because of unnecessary overdrafts taken from the bank to buy “irrelevant” things. It is so sad that God has brought helpers our way but because of inability to manage God’s blessings in the form of human beings, we treat and use them for our own gain without giving back (you service a relationship just like the way you service cars if not it will pack up).

Peter asked the Lord that they having left everything to follow Him, what then will there be for them the disciples? Jesus replied that when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you who have followed Me (Jesus) will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.  Ask this kind of question some places, and you will be termed a lover of money. You cannot call people to support you without expecting them to have a sense of belonging even though God rewards us, it is you (the pastor) or any other person the Lord will use to be a blessing to those working under you.

Step 5…… LIVING ABOVE REPROACH: In His teaching and by His example, Jesus warned His followers to avoid hoarding possessions, to give to the poor, and to value what will not rust or decay. “For where your treasure is,” Jesus said, “there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). As a pastor do you live by example or by “mere” words without commensurate actions? It’s so unfortunate that many false prophets/teachers are going about deceiving many people.  In today’s world, a person who goes naked is celebrated as a celebrity. Sin is rampant everywhere, and the love of many is growing cold. This has made many weak Christians in the church to sit at home and gradually turn away from God. A healthy church starts from the head. Complete obedience to God’s Word will not only prosper you and your members, it leads us to fulfil our God-given purpose and a stress-free ministry (Joshua 1:8).

Step 6…… GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY: Jesus said,he who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is a man of truth; in Him, there is no falsehood” (John 7:18). Many at times you may have a good idea but is that what God wants you to do? As a pastor, you should learn to seek the face of God in “all” matters. Do not take it for granted that God is blessing the works of your hands and you now take matters into your hands thereby wanting God to consent every idea you bring. You must remember that the work is God’s own, and must be done in His own way – all for His (God’s) purpose (Romans 8:28). It is all about Jesus and no one else.

Our Lord Jesus Christ even though He was equal with the Father still humbled Himself to seek the face of the Father before He (Jesus) proceed to do anything. Jesus also said something remarkable for us to learn from in Mark 10:18; “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. No matter how great God is using you or how spectacular you think your ministry is, you should know that all has been given to you by God (John 17:7), and all glory must be given back to Him. Serve to glorify God and Him alone.

Step 7…… FINISH WELL AND HAND OVER THE BATON: Jesus prayed in John 17:4 saying, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” Even though you may not have started well, you can still end well for Christ started well and ended well. He showed us the example of “how to do” and “what to do” in ministry clearly in the Bible so that we all in whatever capacity given to us will not only be fruitful will also make heaven after all the toils here on earth. Jesus handed over to those chosen by the Father. Beloved, if you must finish well then you must pray and seek the face of the Father to choose for Himself whom shall replace you when the time comes. Sometimes it is hard for some to do this because they believe that no one else except their children deserves to reap the fruit of their labour. Until you begin to see that this work is God’s work and not yours only then can the grace to finish the race successfully will begin to manifest in you. You are bound to fail no matter how successful you think you are if you see members, buildings and God’s blessings upon your life as your personal possessions. No matter the price paid, it is about Jesus, and Him alone.

(Please take time and meditate on John 17: 13 – 19; Joshua 27:18).


Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones He wanted to go with Him. And they came to him. Then He appointed twelve of them and called them His apostles. They were to accompany Him, and He would send them out to preach, giving them the authority to cast out demons. These are the twelve He chose:

Simon (whom he named Peter),

James and John (the sons of Zebedee, but Jesus nicknamed them “Sons of Thunder”),






James (son of Alphaeus),


Simon (the zealot),

Judas Iscariot (who later betrayed him).

We need to remember that these men were not perfect men, some of them were learned men and some uneducated. They had flaws just like us but they were chosen for the purpose to further the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ when He – Christ will no longer be here on earth. Remember that Jesus had another seventy-two disciples apart from the twelve disciples (Luke 10:1 – The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit). Jesus taught the twelve disciples His lifestyle, and works, and who to depend on at all times – God the Father. As a pastor who is in the early stages of work in the body of Christ, you need to follow the steps of the Master – Jesus who has commissioned you. When you walk with Jesus then you will know what and how He wants you to work for Him.

Step 1……SEEK THE FACE OF GOD: Jesus Christ first went up to the mountain to pray and seek the face of our Father (Luke 4: 1 – 2). As a child of God you need to ask the Father for the guidance on the following:

  1. Location: Where He (God) wants you to stay and do His work.
  2. Name of ministry.
  3. The vision and mission of the ministry: what and how He wants you to do.

These are the major keys that hold the foundation of any church denomination or ministry. Your location determines your allocation; the name given to the ministry bears His unction and the vision and mission determine your destiny. Though having these three keys does not give the final guarantee to your success in the area God has called you to work. What guarantees your success is your study and meditation and making sure you carefully obey the Word of God (Joshua 1:8 KJV) and your continuous obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit (John 6:63; Romans 8:14).

Step 2…… EVANGELISM: From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near (Matthew 4: 12 – 17; 28: 18 – 20). This is the heart of the Christian matter; for souls to be saved, for disciples to be raised, for members to be guided and watched over, and for more soul to be won for Christ. This step was shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ on how He chose His twelve disciples (Luke 6: 12 – 16) and the seventy-two (Luke 9: 1 – 6; 10: 1 – 3) others. They kept growing even while He was not there up till now (Acts 2: 41 & 47).

Step 3…… DISCIPLESHIP: Jesus often takes His disciples on the mountain to teach them (Matthew 5), and to teach them how to pray (Matthew 6: 7 – 14). You need to be a person who is never shy about the things of God, and who correctly explains the word of truth. You need to be a man who prays fervently (James 5:17). Prayers enable your gift to manifest. Teach your workers/members to pray. Teach them the word of God, this will enable to build others and as well manage the grace of God upon their lives so as not to abuse it.

Take note: Do not grow your church based on prophecies rather build your members up with the Word of God, and be rest assured that you will have solid disciples of Jesus whom will take over when you are not there and by the mercies of the Lord make it to heaven.


Beyond the Blackboard is a movie about a 24-year-old first-time teacher who overcame her fears and prejudices and makes a difference in the lives of the homeless children she teaches in a shelter’s makeshift classroom. Life was so bad that these kids were abandoned by the society because of the mistakes and lives their parents lived. No teacher agreed to take up teaching them, especially when one is in need of money and the area is situated in a dangerous neighbourhood. But this young lady who is a mother of two took up the courage to carry out this great challenge. She found out that the children were great kids just that their parents were facing challenges of drugs, alcohol, depression, unemployment, etc. and because the children were lacking in love they seem to look as if they a bit rebellious of which they were not.

Some of us may be struggling with the same issue now, seeing your parents go through tough times not because they chose to but fate. Your mom or dad may be a single parent, and he tries as much as he/she can see that food is on the table and along the line gets mixed with the wrong crowd. Instead of the condition becoming better it became worse and it turns out you and your siblings are neglected because your parent comes back late forgetting to get some food to eat. The whole burden falls on you to see that your younger ones are protected and cared for. You lie to your younger ones when they see your mom/dad getting high on drugs or lying drunk on the floor. I must say it breaks a child’s heart. This was the case of Jephthah whose mother was a prostitute and when the time came to share their father’s property his half-brothers chased him away. He ran away and became a leader of a worthless rebel yet his eyes were focused on God because he knew that it was the Lord who has kept him alive and who gives victory to His people (Judges 11: 9 & 11). May I ask you, who are you relying on, man or God? The situation may be tough but that you are alive now means God has a future for you. Our Lord Jesus came to give us life in abundance….. Oh yes! You just don’t want to hear that I believe. Where is He all the while and you are suffering and your parent is on the verge of killing him or herself and am hear telling you that He will surely give you a bright future? I might not be a product of a bad parent or know the pain you are going through but I assure you that God has been watching and following you closely using the situation to draw your attention (Judges 6:13) but because you are so busy focusing on the issue at hand you have not yet lifted your eyes up like David did in Psalm 121:1 – 2. Our help comes from the Lord, for He knows whom to send to you to help you at the point of your need.

Beloved, it’s healthy to get angry with God but dangerous to become bitter towards Him. It’s good to voice out your hurt to Him but dangerous to keep complaining each time. Do you know it hurts God more than you can imagine? God is waiting for you to rise up with the strength He has given you (Judges 15: 14 – 15), stand up against the affliction that has befallen your family. You can only conquer by your faith in Christ Jesus and positive attitude towards your situation. You can use your situation to heal your parent and other younger people who are facing the same situation now or in the future by the positive changes you make today. Your situation has no final say neither does the mistakes or fate that has befallen your parent has the final say. Jesus has the final say and has the answer to all solution as far as I know and guess what He will surely restore the wasted years.


When Gordon Ramsay came to Hot Potato Café in Philadelphia USA, he found out that the owners running the restaurant have lost their passion for what they are doing rather they are there just to see if they can keep up the water level. A local newspaper wrote about the restaurant how bad their food taste and this brought about the halt of traffic that comes there to eat. They were almost about to shut down until they decided to “invite” Gordon Ramsay to save the business. This is the same situation with many Christians today who have lost their first love. Just as the Book of Revelation 2: 2 – 4 says, I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars:  And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.” 

Many of us are now dragging our bodies to the church, work and social event just to keep up appearance. This was what Hot Potato Café was doing, but inside of them, they are dying. What of your first love? Yes, you hate evil and love what is right but your fire is dying or already out? Do you still yearn for souls to be saved or are you only after what God will do for you? When you see what is happening in the social media concerning the church do you keep rebroadcasting or do you go down on your knees to pray for God’s people all over the world? When last did you cry unto God for more of His life in you, the grace to forgive those who offend you no matter the emotional wounds? When last did you pray for grace to love more and live out the life of Christ so that your life will become a reference point? When last where you in church? You want to put the blame on the pastors I believe……Oh! Did I tell you that I wanted to do the same years ago but a question so simple yet very deep dropped in my heart, “If I should face Jesus today what would be my excuse?” This changed my whole perspective. I was frustrated at what I see going on in the church, and in the society that I became demoralised and my desire for going to the church began to wane. I came to the point that I was opting for hell can you imagine…..that was bad. God had to assure me and kept reassuring me that all will be well with me if I can look up to Him again. Lo and behold the question of what excuse will I give dropped in my heart and that was when things turned around. No matter what don’t give up on “hope”, for it is the only thing that promises us a better tomorrow. Beloved, gather the little strength that remains (Revelation 3:2) and cry out to the Lord to come save your soul and for Him to rekindle the fire upon your life. He is at the door of your heart knocking, and asking for you to give Him the chance to come in and make things right again (Revelation 3:20). Just as the Lord did it for me, He shall restore and revive your first love in Jesus name….Amen!!!

THE TALENTS – PART 1 (MAT. 25: 14 -30)

A CEO of a big clothes retail-company scattered all over the USA goes underground in his own company intending to solve any problems he finds as quickly as possible. It happened he found out that there is this staff of his that despite her challenges she defies all odds to come to work, put up a smile and be of help to others while being a good rep for the company. While doing the undercover, the boss found out that the lady has kids and they have no place they call home (they are squatting). Yet in all, she has enthusiasm, comes on time and does her duties well. She is also patient when teaching new employees. At the end of the show, the man gave her a promotion with a pay raise, gave her a whopping sum of 250 thousand dollars, and a house that has a playground so her children can play outside.

Jesus said, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” If men and women in this world can give just like the undercover boss, don’t you think that our heavenly Father can give us much more when we represent Him well and please Him as we continue to live in this sinful world? The problem with many is that they give up easily and never allow what they read in the Bible have their way in their lives. As long as you are a child of God, the Bible must your guide here both in speech and action. The moment you accept our Lord Jesus, you’ve drawn a battle line of war. There is no rest till Jesus comes to rapture us. No lowering of our guard because the enemy, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The challenges at the place of work, the ones in the family, and our personal challenges that tug at us daily should never be the reason to lose our focus on where we are going in life or to remove our eyes on Jesus. No matter the situation, our eyes should be set on the Master. If your eyes is always on your challenges, you are bound to drown no matter the smile and effort you make. If your eyes are the place you are going (goals and dream), you may make it but will never have true satisfaction in life because you will end up competing with others and try to fill in the gap where our Lord is supposed to be with other things in life. But if your eyes are on Jesus and your desire is to represent Him and to help others reach their goals by the gifts and talents He has given you, just like the lady in the above story, definitely you are bound to succeed and have true satisfaction and at last be rewarded by our Lord Jesus Himself (Matthew 25: 20 – 23). There is no crown without a cross. It’s a pity that many Christians today want to take this eternal voyage without any storm. Beloved wake! (Isaiah 52:1) The Christian journey is not for the faint-hearted. Don’t expect your pastor or leader to be running after you like a baby that needs to be fed every one hour. If they check on you or not still perform your duties like never before. What guarantee do you have that the next church you are going won’t be the same issue that’s going to happen? Have you ever bothered asking yourself this question…….Is this the discipline of the Holy Spirit in a particular area in my life? Oh Yes! Please don’t be a ticking time bomb (complainant) moving from one job to the other or from church to church, or from one business to another. The Lord is dealing with your negative attitude and until then you may not qualify for that “particular” blessing.


Imagine coming into a restaurant to eat and you are given a stale food and you happen to be a good cook who can discern fresh from frozen food. Some don’t so we are going to look from the angle of a person who is a good cook. Yuck! This was what happened to one of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (Mangia Mangia Series 7 episode 4). The kitchen was a mess despite the fact that the front looks good and clean: the four microwave, the walk-in freezer is filled with rotten crumbs of food and the organization was absolute chaos! Ramsay did his ritual food tasting and found out how bad the food tastes. He even asked one of the waiters to taste the food and see how cold it was and how bad it was cooked. He went to the kitchen to see how it was being run and saw that 95% of their food was frozen and microwaved. The cook knows nothing about cooking and the boss was always cursing out and this gave room for her workers to disrespect her. You can say, oh that’s restaurants for you! But have you ever considered this restaurant as your family or your local church or even as your workplace, when things are not going the way you believe it should be.

Mangia means eat. Bear in mind everyone loves fresh food, fresh fruits, smelling fresh before going to bed (if time and fatigue can afford you that), etc. As the head in your home when last did you tell your wife you love her. How lovely she looks and go an extra mile by picking her up from work, and from there taking her out to dinner or sightseeing. As a wife when last did you surprise your husband by coming home early just to welcome him home, escort him to the bathroom and stand by the door to discuss the day’s event, then serve him a different meal from the usual, and finally giving him the room service……lol. This may not be an everyday affair but at least two or three times in a month – this keeps the marriage light aglow. Most times we give an excuse instead of setting the pace first. Beloved to avoid the above story I narrated of which happens a lot in our homes today because of the pressure from our workplace, school work, demand from our children and other social activities, we tend to lose it by forgetting our most important priority – our spouse! Let me use this analysis to get across my message:

Ramsay – The Saviour (Jesus); The Boss – Husband; The Cook – Wife; The Waiters/kitchen assistants – Children; The Clients – The demands both school and office work, etc.

When we neglect the most important thing we need to do, every other thing begins to suffer no matter how well we feel we are doing or others think we are doing. This is why so many families are suffering. When the husband refuses to key into what Jesus is saying by the reason of His word and tries to give excuses and pushes the blame to the needs of the wife, children or outside demands (pressure). His family (restaurant) is bound to fail. What makes a family beautiful inside-out is the consistency of the respect between father and mother and their relationship with God of which rubs off on the children by the reason of them seeing their parents trust God in times of trouble and lack, and as they face the demands of the outside world.


There are many people who live their lives in a desperate search for human approval and applause. They discern their dignity and worth, not from God, (who is in effect a stranger to them), but from what other human beings think of them. This was how I lived before I surrendered my life to Jesus. It is so bad to know that some of us who tried to get approval from our so-called friends and relations end torturing ourselves in one way or the other by allowing them to bully us, take decisions for us and most times killing the gifts and talents in some of us. I can say for sure that the end of a hypocrite ends in shame, thank God I was saved. Well, I pray if you are one better think twice and make a U-turn before it’s too late. Do you notice the way Jesus describes the heart of hypocrisy: Jesus said to his disciples: “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them…” (Matthew 6:1). The Lord goes on to say that they blow a trumpet so that others will see them giving alms, they pray ostentatiously so that others may see they are praying, and they alter their appearance so that others may see they are fasting. Spiritual hypocrisy is a dangerous and deadly sin. The hypocrisy of professing Christians has served as an excuse for the people of the world to say, “The church is full of hypocrites.” It is so sad that even the hypocrisy of Christian leaders has caused many believers to stumble. The truth must be told. Remember how Jesus condemned the religious leaders during His time on earth because of their hypocrisy.

Are all Christians hypocrites? Not at all! In fact, the history of the Christian church is filled with examples of selflessness, courage, moral action and reform and many other positive influences on the world. These are not the acts of hypocrites, but of sincere believers transformed by the resurrected Christ and moved by the Holy Spirit to “do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31). Yes, I know what you are about to say next…..what then is happening today? My simple answer is Bible prophecy is fulfilling just as written in Book of 2 Timothy 3.

I am a work in progress and bear in mind that the church (members) is a work in progress. Like a cathedral that may take decades or centuries to complete, the process is long and arduous, but someday it will be complete and stand as a beautiful testimony to the power of Christ to transform lives for the better. Remember, too, that only some professing Christians act hypocritically. What about all those who do not? What about all those who consistently live out the love of Christ in the world? Is it that the world is blind toward these ones that live out Christ love and are always quick to see fault in the lives of Christian babes and judge them? Well, until the church and all followers of Christ are glorified, there will, unfortunately, be hypocrites in the church. We must also remember that biblically speaking, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23-24). In other words, no one is perfect and all are dependent on Christ for redemption, salvation, and growth in spiritual maturity. On the one hand, Christians should not act hypocritically, lest we provide critics with a flimsy reason to reject the gospel message. On the other hand, critics should know better than to attempt to throw out Christianity and all of Christ’s claims on the basis of the hypocrisy objection.


Having made known to us His will according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself (Ephesians 1:9 NKJV). The will of God is no other than God Himself; it is essential to Him; it is His nature and essence. God did not leave us without the knowledge of His will. This is why the Bible is made accessible both to the rich and poor, the young and the old. We have no excuse to fail in life and not to fulfill our God-given purpose. God promises to reveal to us His will if we genuinely want to know. The Lord’s plan leads to welfare – happiness, well-being, and success; not calamity – trouble, affliction, and ruin. Understanding this principle is essential to discovering the Lord’s plan and purpose for us which will save us from financial, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual stress.

We are in the seventh month of the year, many have set new goals and new plans for themselves at the beginning of the year. How many of us set those goals based on God’s leading? The tragedy of life lies in having no goals to reach and having goals without God in view of the goals. I must confess that this year is still young to reset your goals by aligning it to God’s will be it your marriage, spiritual life, finances, ministry, your career, and in the area of your investment, etc. God does not want us to be doing trial and error in life. This is why He made available His word to us so that we can know His will for us in life even as we make our plans and set goals. In order for you and I to follow God’s plan for our lives, we must know what He has called us to do. This will definitely pave way to being successful in life (This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8). It would be out of character for God to hide His will and then expects us to walk in it. The Bible also promises His guidance, all we need to do is ask Him. Proverbs 3: 5 – 6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Apostle Paul indicated that it was possible to know the Father’s will and thereby be fruitful (Colossians 1: 9 & 10). The Lord is faithful to reveal “the path of life” to those who seek Him (Psalm 16:11). If you are serious about following God’s will, you have to recognize that it is not about getting what you want, but doing what God asks. You must trust that He is faithful and good and that His will is what is best for you.

How can you discover God’s plan for your Life?

The Bible: The Word of God is the number one primary way to know God’s will for your life (2 Timothy 3: 16 – 17) “so as not to” be doing trial and error in business, making costly mistakes, endangering your health, having marital break-up in relationships, choosing the wrong job, etc. The only way we can be sure to stay true and in tune with God’s Word is by studying it day and night so we can be sure to obey everything written in it. As we do so we can then be sure to prosper and have “good success” (Joshua 1: 8). We sometimes neglect or forget to consider the scriptural truth of what God is saying to us about our situation when we feel overwhelmed there by drifting away from God’s will. Our Father in heaven desires to see us succeed in life, have the best of life and enjoy life in full all to His glory. God’s terms are faith and obedience. Faith is like electricity you don’t have to analyze or understand it to enjoy its benefits. If I may ask you, what has God told you to do? Obey Him and stop wavering between different opinions, stop procrastinating, stop complaining, stop arguing with Him and do what He tells you. Leave the consequences for Him because He knows how to deal with every situation no matter how complicated it looks  –  He can!   

PRAYER:  Philippians 4:6 says, Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Prayer is a two-way communication between God and man. It is the place where our pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord. Prayer is also a way of life for any child of God. As you study God’s Word and spend time in prayer, your relationship with God grows and you begin to understand God’s viewpoint (1 John 5: 14 – 15). You will then be in the right place to hear God’s instruction for other areas of your life.

I experienced a major turning point in my own prayer life when I learned simply to keep quiet after praying to hear what God has to say and to ask questions on every area of my life. That may sound odd to you, and it seemed odd to me at first why I should tell God everything including sex but as time goes on I became aware that God is not embarrassed at all with any topic of discussion I bring to Him. He gives me advice, directions and tells me the consequences of half obedience. John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Though at first, it was very hard because I thought it was about me until I come to realize it’s all about Jesus. I take time to listen to what God has to say to me, and I ask questions when I don’t understand clearly. I also pen down on a book what He wants me to do. This has helped me a lot. Through experiences like this, God has shown me many times with great clarity what His will is for my life. They are truly life-changing.

GODLY COUNSEL: In addition to Bible study and prayer, be willing to seek godly counsel from a mentor, pastor, or godly parent. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety (Proverbs 11:14). Life can present us with challenges and decisions that are not easy to make on our own.  We may pray about the situation and read God’s Word for guidance, and still be confused and uncertain about the direction we should take because of emotional distress. Some years back I felt I knew it all because I hear God speak to me. But as I grow I see the need and I sought the counsel of godly brothers and sisters. Beloved, I tell you it takes a lot of humility to seek counsel from other beloved brothers or pastors just because you feel you know everything. Two things the Bible makes very clear are the benefit of godly counsel and the detriment of ungodly counsel.  “The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.”

Therefore it is imperative when seeking counsel that we examine the character and values of the person(s) from whom we receive adviceThe person’s character and values are of utmost importance. We must also factor the person’s motives when evaluating the merit of their advice. Receiving advice from a person who has an interest or gains from the decision we make can lead us astray. We must be careful that people who care about us, they may give advice based on their own fears, insecurities or expectations.

CIRCUMSTANCES: There is no such thing as coincidence in this life. When you go through the Book of Esther from chapter 1 to the last chapter. None of the events happened by chance. How can you explain receiving an encouraging text from a friend who never knew what you were passing through? A beloved sister told me how she wanted to board a bus from Port Harcourt to Calabar (one sate to another in Nigeria), and on that fateful day, she was convinced by a man to travel by another bus rather than the usual bus she travels with. On her way to Calabar fifteen minutes later, lo and behold she saw that same bus she would have entered on the road-side, it had a fatal accident, and some people died on the spot. That was when she knew that God arranged that man to be there to save her life.

The events that God allows— the family we were born into, the town in which we live, meeting a future mate, getting fired from a job, getting rebuked by a pastor or Christian leader, the skills, talents, and gifts we possess—are all part of God’s divine will for our success. Remember this for we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.